A New Liquidity
For All Assets

tokenbase is here to help you implement a STO platform.
Security tokens allow raising funds more convenient from investors digitally, while also keeping transaction costs low.

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What We Do

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tokenbase is here to provide a service package for our clients who seek to implement an STO platform.

This system is built upon an infrastructure developed by No.1 Solutions Inc.
We will gladly customize and optimize your STO platform according to the market and requirements based on your country's needs.

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What is tokenbase

What is tokenbase

tokenbase is an STO platform with the following features

Efficiency: List and trade more quickly than conventional securities
Transparency: Transaction history is recorded in the blockchain.
Security: Prevents hacking and man-in-the-middle attacks

By introducing tokenbase, a new form of securities utilizing blockchain technology can be offered to investors around the world. This will increase the likelihood of attracting foreign investment.

growth from previous fiscal year
transactions per second
STO market cap as of 2022

Our Strengths

Why choose us over others?

We developed a next generation blockchain system that enables higher security than of the contemporary blockchain.

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  • fast transactions icon

    High-Speed Transactions

  • anti hacking icon

    Anti-Hacking Measures

  • low cost icon

    Low-Cost Operation

Features & Functionality

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Optimized Operation

In comparison to a regular IPO, the issuance and trading of STs without intermediaries reduces the administrative costs associated with issuer sales and investor purchases. Maximum efficiency makes it possible to save time and avoid incurring extra costs.

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24-Hour Trading

Operates in real-time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round, providing a high degree of liquidity. It is made possible for users to quickly access the capital available in the digital securities market on the tokenbase platform, anytime, anywhere.

24-Hour Trading

Operates in real-time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round, providing a high degree of liquidity. It is made possible for users to quickly access the capital available in the digital securities market on the tokenbase platform, anytime, anywhere.

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Trust & Transparency

Integrated investor KYC/AML management capabilities and transparent and detailed transaction history disclosure capabilities. We focus on compliance and regulations to build your trust in the process.

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Secure Asset Management

Multifaceted security features keep investors' assets safe. Functions such as ST issuance and remittance are available on a proprietary chain with security measures to prevent hacking. The platform is also equipped with a robust cold wallet, making it highly secure for both issuers and investors.

Secure Asset Management

Multifaceted security features keep investors' assets safe. Functions such as ST issuance and remittance are available on a proprietary chain with security measures to prevent hacking. The platform is also equipped with a robust cold wallet, making it highly secure for both issuers and investors.

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NFT Compliant

tokenbase even offers to build an original NFT marketplace. Since NFT is a digital asset, we take necessary steps to comply with international standards and the specifics of the crypto asset market.

Process Flow

Platform Implementation Process (basic functions + customization)
and Post-Implementation Operations

process flow chart

Our Vision

omorai tetsuo profile
Tetsuo Omorai
Representative Director
No.1 Solutions, Inc.
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As a company, our vision is to realize world peace through technology.
For more than two decades, we have been developing ways to solve the various social issues using the technologies we have accumulated over the years.
We believe that our technology exists to help change the world for the better.
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No.1 Solutions Inc.
Idemitsu Ikejiri Building 7F,
3-15-1 Higashiyama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
153-0043, Japan
TEL: +81-3-6412-8470
FAX: +81-3-6412-8471
EMAIL: info@no1s.biz
July, 2002
50 million yen
Tetsuo Omorai
80 (as of July 2022)